• html&css

  • Next

  • Vite

  • Next

  • TypeScript

  • I don't calculate this skill in hours
    just know that I can work with github

  • Vite

  • Supabase

  • Zustand

  • Photoshop

  • Figma

  • DevOps

Teamlead WEB developer

I'm started my career in 2018 and tried 4 different programming languages.
My main stack - Next + TypeScript + Tailwind
I'm creating websites with high 

When 100 people visit your site
and only 1 of them buy smth
- it means conversion rate = 1%

  rate and amazing UI/UX/CX
Here is 

I dropped my academy and want
to say people in young age that knowlege
that you get in school/colledge/academy
don't help you to get success in your life
- that's why you need invest your
free time in vision in your head
of how to get success.

  I want to say
Book call with me here

Next + TypeScript + Tailwind
04.2023 - 04.2023 (~40h)